Friday, January 16, 2015

Five on Friday - Favorite Baby Apps!

It is funny, I hear all the time from my parents and in-laws about how they raised us. We gave you food when you were a month old, you slept on your stomach, etc! And yes we all survived. However, after showing our parents our iPhone apps they are amazed on how much it calms the baby and the information that I tell them on why she is acting the way she is.  From music, reading or tracking development it is probably one of the most important pieces of baby gear. Here are 5 of my favorite baby apps that I swear by!

Definitely if you are looking for a creative baby gift for a shower I would buy the new Mom a iTunes gift card with some of these recommendations below!

1. White Noise App - this is a must have. I have mentioned the book "Happiest Baby On The Block" before and this is where I learned about how babies become over stimulated and white noise along with a pacifier and swaddling helps. I swear by this method and the white noise app. It instantly calms down my baby. Not to mention we have all started using this in our house to help us go to sleep!
White Noise Lite: Relax. Sleep. Better. 

2. The Wonder Years - this app talks about your babies mental leaps. Personally for me I have found this app great for understanding why my baby is acting fussy or needy. Not to mention what new skills they should be developing. They also have a book which I am interested in but haven't purchased.
The Wonder Weeks App
3. Mom's On Call - this method helps put your baby on a schedule. I find it extremely helpful and follow the schedule closely. I have had a baby that sleeps through the night since 3 weeks. Not to mention it sends you reminders for feeding and napping. This app was extremely helpful the first 3 months and continues to be helpful as my child grows.
Moms on Call
4. Pandora - we have Pandora on all day long. I created a few different stations as well as listen to some of their channels which include "toddler radio" and the "Disney Channel". One of the stations I created has Rock-a-Bye Baby, Lisa Loeb & Elizabeth Mitchell, And Baby Einstein perfect background music that is relaxing.
5. Baby Log - Activities, Growths and milestones. I used this app the day after A was born. I documented all the times I nursed, how much she ate, when I changed her diaper, what was in her diaper, baths, etc. This app really helped me stay organized and peace of mind if I had any questions or if the dr or lactation consultant had any questions. I only used this app for the first month but it was a lifesaver.
Baby Log - Activities, Growth, and Milestones
Now if only paid me for promoting these Apps! I can't tell you how much I talk about them.  Hope you have a great weekend! Next week we are going to continue the Baby a registry guide! 
In the meantime I will be on Ointerest coming up with ideas for my new home!!


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